

The National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) is an autonomous administrative authority, with legal personality, under parliamentary control, fully financed from own revenues, decision-making, organizational and functional independence, having as its object of activity the development, approval and monitoring of the application of the set of mandatory regulations at the national level necessary for the operation of the sector and the electricity, heat and natural gas market in conditions of efficiency, competition, transparency and consumer protection.

ANRE collaborates with the regulatory authorities of the states in the region, including through cooperation agreements, with the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the European Commission, to harmonize the regulatory framework for the development of the regional market, the rules on cross-border energy exchanges electricity and natural gas, of those regarding the management and allocation of interconnection capacities, without prejudice to their attributions and competences.

Considering the situation determined by the price increase on the international electricity and natural gas markets starting at the end of 2021, as well as the effects caused by these increases for the Romanian population, the Government of Romania adopted compensation and support schemes for the payment of electricity and natural gas bills in the period 1 November 2021 - 31 March 2025, so that the electricity and natural gas prices paid by final customers not to aggravate the level of energy poverty.

Performance indicators for electricity supply activity represent the quantitative and qualitative expression of the activity of an electricity supplier in relation to end customers whom it serves, with which it is in the process of contracting or with which it relates to provide information, standard offers or to manage complaints, as well as the way of mediating the relationship with the network operator, and the evolution of the degree of compliance with the levels guaranteed quality indicators for 2022 is presented in the following figure:

energie - evolutia gradului de respectare a nivelurilor garantate ale indicatorilor de calitate pentru activitate de furnizare a energiei electrice

Performance indicators for natural gas supply activityrepresent the quantitative and qualitative expression of the activity of a natural gas supplier in relation to end customers whom it serves, with which it is in the process of contracting or with which it relates to provide information, standard offers or to manage complaints, as well as the way of mediating the relationship with the system operator, and the evolution of the degree of compliance with the levels guaranteed quality indicators for 2022 is presented in the following figure:

energie - evolutia gradului de respectare a nivelurilor garantate ale indicatorilor de calitate pentru activitate de furnizare a gazelor naturale

Pursuant to Law no. 123/2012, starting from January 1, 2021, the regulated tariffs applied to domestic customers have been eliminated. In this context, the electricity supply prices for household customers are no longer set by ANRE, they are formed freely, based on demand and supply.

Until the date of the liberalization of the electricity market, i.e. December 31, 2020, out of the total number of 8,924,187 consumption places belonging to household customers, 34% of them had concluded contracts related to the supply of electricity under a competitive regime, according to the following graph:

energie - situatia contractelor

Until December 31, 2022, and following the liberalization of the electricity market, based on the data reported by the electricity suppliers, it was found that of the total number of consumption places belonging to household customers, 61% signed contracts related to the supply of electricity in competitive mode, situation reflected in the graph below:

energie - situatia contractelor 2022

According to the provisions of the Electricity and Natural Gas Law no. 123/2012, with subsequent amendments and additions, as of July 1, 2020, the domestic natural gas market was liberalized for household customers, and the final regulated prices for them ceased to apply.

The total liberalization of the internal natural gas market on July 1, 2020 implies the need for household customers to conclude, by this date, the contracts related to the supply of natural gas under a competitive regime, in order to ensure the supply of natural gas after the mentioned date of liberalization previous.

Until the date of liberalization, i.e. on June 30, 2020, of the total number of 3,844,474 household customers, 12% had concluded contracts related to the supply of natural gas under a competitive regime, according to the following graph:

energie - clienti casnici

Until December 31, 2022, based on the data reported by the suppliers who, until the date of liberalization, had in their portfolio household customers for whom natural gas was supplied under a regulated regime, from the total number of household customers approximately 56.11 % signed contracts related to the supply of natural gas under a competitive regime, a situation reflected in the graph below:

energie - procent clienti casnici

In 2022, there is a decrease in the number of suppliers who have been active on the retail market (from 56 in 2021, to 47 in 2022), they having the obligation to draw up and submit to ANRE reports on the activity of informing end customers.

energie - impactul asupra mediului

The following figures show the evolution of the distribution tariffs applied by each concessionaire distribution operator in the period 01.01.2019 - 31 March 2023, in which the values are expressed in nominal terms and result from the summation of the specific tariffs approved by ANRE, representing the tariffs they pay final customers according to the voltage level to which the installations they own are connected.

energie - e-distributie muntenia
energie - e-distributie banat
energie - e-distributie dobrogea
energie - e-distributie oltenia
energie - delgaz grid
energie - deer muntenia nord
energie - deer transilvania nord
energie - deer transilvania sud

The following figure shows the evolution of the tariff for the system service in the period 2019-2023, expressed in nominal terms of each year.

energie - tarif sistem

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