

To ensure that EU rules on organic farming are respected, each country appoints a competent authority. These are generally either the Ministry of Agriculture or the Ministry of Public Health.To ensure that EU rules on organic farming are respected, each country appoints a competent authority. These are generally either the Ministry of Agriculture or the Ministry of Public Health.

Once a year, EU countries report to the European Commission what results were obtained from the controls carried out on organic farming operators and what measures were taken in cases of violations of the rules .

Farmers, processors or traders must be controlled by a control body or control authority before they can market their the products as organic food. After they have been checked and deemed compliant, they receive a certificate attesting that they meet EU requirements.

Regardless of whether they apply organic or non-organic production methods, farmers must also comply with a number of sectoral regulations that protect public health, animal and plant health, the environment and animal welfare. In addition, all farmers receiving income support must comply with legal management requirements (SMRs) under cross-compliance legislation, thus proving that they comply with EU food and environmental legislation.

All food manufacturers must also comply with general food law, which includes labeling legislation. Certain products must also comply with other rules, for example more extensive labeling requirements. These regulations are mandatory for organic food producers who, in addition, must comply with certain rules dedicated exclusively to organic production.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) is the central public authority, with legal personality, with a role in the development and implementation of national sectoral strategies in the fields: agriculture, animal husbandry and food industry, rural development, fishing and aquaculture, land improvements, as well as in the related fields: specialized scientific research, phytosanitary, conservation and sustainable management of soils and plant and animal genetic resources, irrigation system development and of the national anti-hail and increase of percepts.

Specific activities and results in the plant sector

Financial support for farmers – ensuring the regulatory framework for granting agricultural subsidies within the deadlines set by EU legislation

Results: 723,574 farmers, beneficiaries of payments

State aid for diesel used in agriculture

Results: 772,189.13 thousand lei were paid for 478,456,749,882 liters of diesel

Financial support granted to producer organizations in the fruit and vegetable sector

Results: 5 producer organizations requested support (amount of financial assistance: 4,900,424 lei (EU) and 3,825,403 lei national budget)

The National Support Program in the wine sector 2019-2023 – the elaboration, modification, completion of the normative acts for the regulation of the activities carried out in the wine sector, especially those that were/are aimed at the implementation of the PNS 2019-2023; To mitigate the crisis situation in the wine sector, generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, a set of temporary, exceptional measures was adopted, including the measure of wine distillation in crisis situations

Results: The evaluation, with a view to selecting, of 2 wine promotion programs in third countries within the PNS 2019-2023, for which APIA concluded implementation contracts:
"Promotion Romanian wines with DOC, on the markets of Canada and the Republic of Korea";
"Promotion of Romanian wines with DOC, on the UK market"

The field of agricultural market officials: the process of organizing farmers' associative structures was continued with the aim of making the valorization, on the market, of the members' own products more efficient

Results: Recognition procedures were initiated for 31 groups of producers, of which: 20 in the vegetable sector (cereals, oleaginous plants, legumes/fodder plants), 8 with mixed recognition (cereals, oilseeds, legumes with fruits/vegetables or grains, oilseeds, legumes, fodder and livestock products), 3 in the vegetable sector

The field of storage of consumer seeds

Results: It was proposed to maintain the warehouse license for 15 economic operators

The field of technical plants

Results: The interprofessional agreement for sugar beet, the harvest of the marketing year 2022-2023, was concluded and registered at MADR. The interprofessional agreement for sugar beet, from the harvest of the 2022-2023 marketing year, was concluded. Authorization of a primary processing unit for raw tobacco, authorization of an economic operator for the import of hemp seeds, other than those for sowing

De minimis aid for the application of the vegetable production support program in protected areas

Results: 33,769 beneficiaries; the amount authorized for payment 337,068.22 thousand lei

De minimis aid for garlic production

Results:1,264 beneficiaries; cultivated area 1,670.64 ha; the amount paid 21,081 thousand lei

De minimis aid for potato production

Results: 2,065 beneficiaries; the amount paid 7,900.70 thousand lei

De minimis aid for grape production

Results: 369 beneficiaries; the amount paid 4,566.80 thousand lei

State aid granted to agricultural producers who established crops in autumn 2021 and were affected by soil drought

Results: 15,029 beneficiaries; the amount paid 257,335 thousand lei

Agricultural statistics

Results: Preparation of reports on the structure of crops (balance of arable areas, agricultural production schedule), stocks, the statistical situation of the land, information on the spring productive area, preliminary estimates on plant production, daily operatives on the stage sowing and harvesting, the fleet of tractors and agricultural machines, the harvested area and the production obtained

Encouraging the development of the organic agriculture sector

  • Approval of 15 control bodies for the verification and certification of operations in the organic farming system;
  • 5 requests for approval regarding the granting of the "ae" national certification-communication logo;
  • 7 exemptions from retroactive recognition of a period prior to the conversion period;
  • 9 exemptions regarding the introduction, in the unit of ecological animals, of poultry intended for meat production and/or chicks for egg production, raised by non-ecological methods;
  • 352 authorizations for impounding animals from farms with a maximum of 50 animals (excluding young livestock).

Specific activities and results in the livestock sector

State aid 
  • aid granted to agricultural producers to cover the costs related to drawing up and maintaining the genealogical register and determining the genetic quality of animal breeds (HG no. 207/2022, HG no. 1422/2022);

Results: 35,000 beneficiaries of animal breeding payments – 85,000,000 lei allocated

  • aid regarding the neutralization of by-products of animal origin that are not intended for human consumption (GD no. 699/2022);

Results: Allocated budget for 2021: 10,000 thousand lei

  • help regarding the approval of the Program to support pig breeders for breeding activity;

Results: 28 beneficiaries – 1,070,534,640 lei allocated

  • help regarding the approval of the Support Program for the activity of reproduction, incubation and growth in the poultry sector;

Results: 43 beneficiaries – 431,609,380.91 lei allocated

  • aid to support the activity of cattle, pig and poultry breeders in the context of the economic crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic;
Results: The maximum ceiling allocated was:
  • 250.00 thousand lei for cattle;
  • 649.00 thousand lei for pigs;
  • 116,000.00 thousand lei for birds
De minimis aid in the livestock sector 
  • aid granted, in accordance with the provisions of GD no. 295/2022 for the amendment and completion of GD no. 365/2020 regarding the approval of the scheme "De minimis aid for the application of the support program for pig breeders of the Bazna and/or Mangaliţa breeds", for the period 2020-20222, as well as some measures for its application;

Results: 9 applications submitted by beneficiaries, amount allocated: 640,000 lei

Transitional national aid (NTA) in the livestock sector
  • aid granted in accordance with the provisions of GD no. 294/2022 for the approval of the ceilings of transitional national aids in the plant and animal husbandry sectors, for the application year 2021;

Results: 40,365 beneficiaries of ANT 7 (milk), 112,129 farmers of ANT 8 (meat) and 44,672 beneficiaries of ANT9 (sheep/goats)

Exceptional aids
  • GD no. 1053/2022 regarding the granting of exceptional aid to agricultural producers, animal breeders in the pig and poultry sectors;
Results: 213 beneficiaries for the pig sector and 297 beneficiaries for the poultry sector; The amount allocated for the pig sector: 71,759,050 thousand lei; The amount allocated for the poultry sector: 57,407,240 thousand lei
  • GD no. 1031/2022 on establishing the value of the financial aid, in advance, for the private storage of pork;

Results: 1 beneficiary – total amount of financial aid: 373,071,660 lei

Coupled support schemes
  • support granted according to GD no. 1155/2022 for the approval of the ceilings allocated to coupled support schemes in the livestock sector, as well as for establishing their amount for the application year 2022 - the main categories:
    • support for the dairy cows category

Results: 15,383 beneficiaries, the total amount of support 99,324,810 euros

    • support for sheep / goat species

Results: 17,790 beneficiaries, total amount of support 71,300,000 euros

    • support for the taurine category for meat

Results: 2,086 beneficiaries, the total amount of support 13,125,000 euros

    • support for the milk buffalo

Results: 2,048 beneficiaries, total amount of support 1,680,000 euros

    • support for the silkworm species

Results: 4 beneficiaries, total amount of support 54,000 euros

Field of meadows and pastoral arrangements

Results: From a total area of 4,530,298 ha, existing on 1 Jan. 2007 (approved by the EC), 2,545 projects of pastoral facilities were carried out, on a total area of 2,885,897 ha, of which during the year 2022, pastoral facilities were drawn up on an area of 480,875 ha, being in progress 304 pastoral development projects, with a total area of 766,148 ha

The field of beekeeping
  • according to the provisions of Order no. 37 / 22.02.2022 regarding the repeal of para. (2) of art. 8 of the annex to the Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development no. 251/2017 for the approval of the Unitary Identification System of apiaries and beehives

Results: 7,819 registered beneficiaries, the value of the allocated financial support being 60,196,000 lei

  • other discounts – the program for schools (milk, dairy products, fruit, vegetables, corn and bakery products)
  • 89,863 thousand lei - free fruit and vegetables and 37,757 thousand lei for the development of related educational measures;
  • 204,176 thousand lei for the free provision of drinking milk and dairy products without the addition of milk powder and 37,757 thousand lei for the implementation of related effective measures;
  • 207,383 thousand lei for the free provision of bakery products, exclusively from the national budget

Field of operation of agricultural markets

Results: Recognition procedures were initiated for 9 groups of producers in the livestock sector, for which recognition notices were issued, of which: 5 for the groups of milk and dairy products, beef and meat sheep, 1 for mutton, 1 for beef, mutton/goat and pork, 1 for honey and bee products, 1 for poultry, eggs and pork.

Articles on the subject