

National Office for Gambling (ONJN) is a public institution under the Ministry of Finance. The office has its own budget and is financed from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Finance. The President of the Office has the capacity of tertiary credit orderer.

In 2022 ONJN had the following results:

Jocuri de noroc - structura personal ONJN
Jocuri de noroc - rezultate obtinute
Jocuri de noroc - evolutia nr de petitii

In the course of 2022, the majority of administrative litigation cases had, as their object, requests for the suspension or annulment of some decisions of the Supervisory Committee by which the measure was ordered to suspend the activity for a determined period (usually for one month) of gambling operators who allowed minors access to locations where gambling activities were carried out, but also for other contraventions detained by the PVCSC, cases in which the courts upheld the measures ordered by the administrative acts issued by ONJN.

The approval activity, as well as the preparation of legal documents

They were approved for legality, as follows:
  1. By the end of 2022, contracts for the provision of services or the provision of additional products/documents and other documents concluded with state institutions have been approved for legality.
  2. Also, the legality visa was granted for a total number of 596 reports, supporting notes, other documents drawn up at the level of the Economic and Administrative Service for the purchases made by the National Office for Games of Chance and Orders issued by the president or vice-president of ONJN in the exercise his duties in the period January 2022-December 2022.
  3. The legality visa was granted on a number of 511 draft orders issued by the ONJN President/employment contracts;
  4. 4 collaboration protocols concluded by the National Gaming Office with various state institutions were approved for legality;

In 2022, a number of 2,550 operations that affected public funds and/or public patrimony were subjected to own preventive financial control .

The total value of these operations is 78,268 thousand lei, of which:
  • In the year 2022 a no. of 537 operations in the amount of 36,423 thousand lei;
  • II year 2022 a no. of 511 operations in the amount of 14,299 thousand lei;
  • III year 2022 a no. of 694 operations in the amount of 14,911 thousand lei;
  • IV year 2022 a no. of 808 operations worth 12,635 thousand lei.

General Directorate of Gambling Authorization (DGAJN) is organized and operates at the level of General Directorate under the direct subordination of the president of the National Office for Games of Chance, according to the regulations of H.G. no. 298/2013 regarding the organization and operation of the National Office for Games of Chance, with subsequent amendments and additions.

In 2022, a number of 86,702 requests/reports/addresses/points of view/petitions were registered within the National Gambling Office. From the total of 86,702 requests/reports/addresses/points of view/petitions registered at the level of the National Office for Gambling within the General Directorate of Gambling Authorization, a number of 76,343 requests/reports/addresses/points of view/ petitions.

For slot-machine games of chance, a number of 12 licenses for the organization of slot-type games of chance were analyzed and granted - machines. The following were also analyzed and awarded:
  • slot-machine class A gambling licenses for a number of 82,123 gaming stations;
  • authorizations for exploitation of class B slot-machine gambling games for a number of 7,280 gaming stations;
  • authorizations for the exploitation of temporary slot-machine class A games of chance for a number of 510 gaming stations.

For games of chance with fixed odds bets 1 organization license was analyzed and granted.

For fixed-odds betting type games of chance a number of 23 operating authorizations related to a number of 12,051 points of interest were analyzed and granted work (betting agencies). The activity of fixed odds betting organizers was carried out in 12,051 work points (betting agencies).

For gambling type mutual bets was analyzed and granted 1 operating authorization related to a number of 1,756 work points (agents of mutual bets).

For bingo games of chance carried out in gaming rooms, a number of 6 exploitation authorizations were analyzed and granted.

For the gambling activity characteristic of the casino activity, a number of 3 gambling exploitation authorizations were analyzed and granted.

For the gambling activity characteristic of the activity of temporary casinosa number of 1 organization licenses were analyzed and granted.

For the gambling activity characteristic of the activity of temporary casinosa number of 1 gambling exploitation authorizations were analyzed and granted.

For the gambling activity characteristic of poker club activity, a number of 2 organization licenses were analyzed and granted.

For the gambling activity characteristic of the activity of poker clubs, a number of 13 authorizations for the exploitation of poker games were analyzed and granted luck.

For the gambling activity characteristic of the poker festival activity, 1 gambling exploitation authorization was analyzed and granted.

For the remote gambling activity, 3 organization licenses were analyzed and granted.

For the activity of remote gambling, 32 authorizations for the exploitation of gambling were analyzed and granted.

Changes were made in the computer system for the space for the exploitation of slot-machine type game means for a number of 9,037 notifications.

For related activities in the field of gambling, 85 second class licenses were analyzed and granted, of which:
  • 16 economic operators licensed second class for management activity and hosting facilities on the gaming platform;
  • 9 economic operators licensed second class for production, distribution, offering programs / devices for the conduct or management of gambling activities, provision of repair and maintenance services for gaming equipment, import, export, intra-Community purchase, intra-Community delivery or other activities with game components or means;
  • 3 second class licensed economic operators for payment processors;
  • 28 economic operators licensed second class for the production and/or distribution of specialized software in the field of gambling;
  • 1 data center economic operator;
  • 20 economic operators licensed second class for affiliates.

A number of 8 economic operators did not pay the license fee by the deadline stipulated in the decisions issued as a result of approval by the Supervisory Committee, thus, in accordance with the legal provisions, the de jure revocation of the Decisions of the Supervisory Committee took place.

At the same time, in the course of 2022, 36 economic operators ceased their activity, as Decisions were drawn up regarding the termination of the validity of the Class II License.

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