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In the 2022-2023 school year, the number of students in pre-university education was 2,891.7 thousand, a slight decrease compared to the year previous school. The gross enrollment rate in all levels of education (from preschool to higher education), as a proportion of the population aged 3-23, was 76%, a lower value compared to the previous school year. The number of employees in pre-university education (teaching, auxiliary teaching, administrative, maintenance and operational staff) registered a slight increase compared to the previous school year, reaching the value of 295.7 thousand people. More than half of the staff work in primary and secondary schools, a little over a quarter in high school, a fifth in pre-school education and small shares in vocational and post-secondary and foreman education.

In recent years, the number of students included in the Romanian pre-university education system has been decreasing from one year to the next, the only exception being the 2021/2022 school year.

Educație. Învațământ. Technology - efectivele de elevi
For the 2022/2023 school year, the gross enrollment rate at all levels of education highlights the following:
  • the indicator continues the downward trend from the previous school years, accentuated in the post-pandemic period, reaching the lowest value in the last nine years (76%); the maximum value of this indicator (78.6%) was recorded in the 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 school years;
  • by gender, the decrease is slightly higher among girls (by 1.5 p.p.), compared to boys (by 1.2 p.p.);
  • the gender difference in the value of the indicator remains at over 4 p.p., however. in favor of girls.

Gross enrollment rate from pre-school to higher education, as a proportion of the population aged 3-23

Educație. Învațământ. Technology - Rata brută de cuprindere de la învățământul preșcolar la cel superior, ca raport din populația în vârstă de 3-23 de ani

Gross enrollment rate from primary to higher education, as a proportion of the population aged 6-23

Educație. Învațământ. Technology - Rata brută de cuprindere de la învățământul primar la cel superior, ca raport din populația în vârstă de 6-23 de ani

Gross enrollment rate in pre-university education (from preschool to post-secondary education) as a ratio of the population aged 3-21

Educație. Învațământ. Technology - Rata brută de cuprindere în învățământul preuniversitar (de la învățământul preșcolar la cel postliceal) ca raport din populația în vârstă de 3-21 de ani

The evolution of teaching staff in pre-university education

Educație. Învațământ. Technology - Evoluția personalului didactic din învățământul preuniversitar

Share of teaching staff by age groups and education levels

Educație. Învațământ. Technology - Ponderea cadrelor didactice pe grupe de vârstă și niveluri de învățământ

In the year 2022 - 2023, 410,181 students were enrolled in degree programs, a decrease of over 5.6 thousand students compared to the previous year. 87% of the students were in state education and 13% in private education. There are fundamental fields of study with a large number of students (Business, administration and law, Engineering, processing and construction, Health and social work) and others with a small number (Educational sciences, Services and natural sciences, Mathematics and statistics). In private education, the field of Business, administration and law is overrepresented (55.6% of all students are enrolled in specializations in this field).

The cycle of university master studies included 102,975 students in the 2022/2023 academic year, down by more than 9 thousand compared to the year previous. 91.4% of them were included in state education and only 8.6% in private education. The number of students was higher in certain core fields of study (Business, Administration and Law; Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction) and very low in others (Health and Social Work; Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Veterinary Sciences; Education Sciences). Almost 60% of students in private master's programs were enrolled in Business, Administration and Law, compared to just over 20% in state education.

A number of 21,803 students were enrolled in doctoral university studies (98.6% in state education and only 1.4 % in private education) and 285 students in postdoctoral programs (state education). The highest percentages of PhD students were registered in the fields of Engineering, processing and construction and Health and social assistance, and the lowest in Educational Sciences, Services and Information and Communication Technologies.

The graduation rate of tertiary education in Romania is low and the number of students is decreasing. In 2022, 24.7% of Romanians aged between 25 and 34 had a tertiary education diploma, compared to the EU average of 42%. The figure remains low due to generally low participation in higher education, high dropout rates from tertiary education and, in part, emigration. The most recent available data shows that between 2011 and 2021, the number of students enrolled in a bachelor's degree program fell by more than 20%, including due to demographic factors. However, early school leaving, low baccalaureate pass rates, as well as high baccalaureate failure rates also limit the number of young people who could enroll in higher education. Studies show that high school graduates who pass the baccalaureate exam tend to continue their course in higher education. In 2023, only 73.3% of those who took this exam obtained a passing grade, the percentage being, however, only 56.6% in the case of candidates from the technological sector.

Educație. Învațământ. Technology - Rata de absolvire a învățământului terțiar

Top 30 bachelor's fields (out of 88 existing) according to the maximum tuition capacity related to the first year, by forms of ownership, of the universities, in the academic year 2022-2023

Educație. Învațământ. Technology - Top 30 domenii

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