New obligations imposed by ANRE

Beginning with the November 4, 2014, the National Regulatory Authority in the Field of Energy, has proposed a reduction of 19% in the consumption by 2020, in order for Romania to be able to comply with the obligations imposed on it by the EU.

In this regard, Law No. 121 of July 18, 2014, established under the subordination of ANRE (National Energy Regulatory Authority), the Department for Energy Efficiency with responsibilities in extensive areas, ranging from overseeing the market for equipment and appliances subject to specific regulations regarding energy efficiency and ecological design, to developing proposals for policies and secondary legislation in the field of energy efficiency.

Consumers who register an annual consumption of more than 11.63 MWh (approximately 0.970 MWh/month) have been imposed new obligations for non-fulfilment of which are provided sanctions that can reach 200,000 lei strong>.

One of the requirements of the consumers with effect from 4 November, they include the following:

  1. the performance of an audit of the energy over the entire contour of the consumption of energy,
  2. the preparation of programs for the improvement of the efficiency of the energy, which include measures of short -, medium -, and long-term,
  3. the annual report on the total annual energy consumption, as well as the analysis of the energy consumer of energy, on the basis of a questionnaire survey.

Economic operators who have not carried out energy audits by the date of entry into force of this law are obliged to carry them out by December 5, 2015. The Ministry of Economy, through the Department for Small and Medium Enterprises, Business Environment and Tourism, develops programs to encourage SMEs to undergo energy audits, as well as for the subsequent implementation of the recommendations of these audits.

The ministry of the Economy may set up support schemes (you will be motivated enough to do it?) for SMES, including if they have concluded voluntary agreements, to cover costs of an energy audit and of the implementation of the recommendations of the cost resulting from the energy audits, if the proposed measures are being put in place, in compliance with the legislation in the field of state aid.

In other words, "the Wind!" on the part of the Government of Romania for energy auditors, to the business of renewable energy and for the providers of energy services.

The energy efficiency of the property offered for sale, or in the car, he was one of the items that are checked-healthy, if only the Usa, based on the targets set by the EU for the effective use of resources.

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